Document / ID Tips

Useful to verify if a customer's purchase exhibits many risk factors. This method will get the most pushback from customers due to extra steps and privacy concerns. What sets Trust Swiftly apart from other ID services is we are able to allow customers to only share the data they are comfortable with. You can also allow a case by case different ID types such as a school ID. Most customers can share their driver’s license but cover up sensitive data like license # and birthday. They can cover with a piece of paper or a finger. The main data that is leveraged to check payment fraud is the photo, name, or address. While these all can be Photoshopped, it is difficult to pass when receiving multiple angles of images.

The fraudsters that have been caught with fake photos are sometimes the users that send extremely clear images with all data shown on their ID as they have no concern for their privacy. Example professional fake selfies and IDs can be shared to help identify. Fake IDs can be bought online, usually around $80, which causes transactions by fraudsters to be higher amounts (Google second eye solution). eCommerce customers are not accustomed to sharing a lot of sensitive data, and the less required, the better for both parties in terms of security. Requesting other document types is useful if an image is suspected as forged/stolen. If the time between uploads or even the initial upload is long, it could mean the user is procuring a fake ID. Persistent fraudsters will attempt multiple bypasses, but they are extremely rare to encounter. If you require extra assurance, then another method such as Video or Secure Card is strongly recommended.

  • ID - Useful to see if the data have shown is similar to that on your file. (Name, Photo, Address) We automatically analyze the uploaded images for some basic fraud checks:
    • Full Name Match: Verifies if the image contains the full name of your customer.
    • Last Name Match: Verifies if the image contains the last name of your customer.
    • Selfie Check: Verifies if the image contains a face.
    • Internet Detection: Verifies if the image can be found online through Google images or other websites.
  • Selfie - Useful to check the ID photo also matches the person’s face. Helps detect stolen IDs and some photoshops. (Some fraud services offer selfies included)
  • Credit Card - Useful to compare the card’s last four with the card on the payment file. PayPal may not share the BIN or the last four. The person has to physically show the card and ensure only the last four numbers are shown and the name. The name can help correlate the owner to other data you have on a transaction. If the user sends the full card, it should be deleted for security purposes. Make sure CVC is not shown. You can also validate the bank name and design of the card if it matches the expected payment. However, these photos can be faked too, and again the trend of fakes is where the image is extremely clear with full card information.
  • Other Document - Useful to check for alternate sources of data on the customer’s name and address. Documents such as phone bills, utility, banking statements, and letters will all show another proof of the customer’s name and address. Good customers are usually willing to share your business rules can set some of these documents, and the type required, sensitive information such as account numbers can be covered up. These also can be faked even easier than IDs, so less importance might be placed on them. The time it takes the customer to send a document from notification is an important factor. Having a comprehensive set of verification data will be the best way to detect fraud.